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Ruth Anne O'Cain 
Guidance Director


As students enter into the middle school years, progress through high school, and prepare for college – the guidance office assists them through classroom activities and individual sessions. Classroom guidance is scheduled throughout the year to meet the needs of students at different grade levels. Topics covered include testing preparation, study skills, review of academic progress, social adjustment and requirements for college admission. 

Each year high school students review their transcript, complete a checklist of courses required for graduation and college admission, and review career interest information.  

A variety of Parent Information Sessions are held throughout the year to complement the classroom guidance sessions. Some of the evening presentations include:

Fall Evening Sessions
Open House for all Parents to meet the faculty
New Student and Parent Orientation
Rising 6th grade Parent and Student Orientation
College Planning and Application Procedures for Parents
College and Financial Aid Planning for 11th and 12th grade 

Parents Spring Evening Sessions
Testing Preparation and Review of PSAT and PSAT 8/9 with Parents
High School Planning Session for rising 10th, 11th and 12th grade Parents
Adjusting to High School Session for rising 8th and 9th grade Parents
Challenges of Middle School for rising 6th grade Parents

In the 10th grade, Northwood Academy students have the opportunity to participate in a field trip to South Carolina colleges and universities. Visiting these college campuses (which include public and private institutions) provide our students a unique opportunity to compare institutions and hear directly from an admissions counselor and current college students concerning required academic preparation, acceptable test scores and the importance of extracurricular activities.

To help our students test in the most productive environment, Northwood Academy serves as a Test Center for both The College Board SAT and the college entrance exam ACT.

SAT & ACT Test Dates 
Colleges and Universities